Friday, July 10, 2009



I just wanted to apologise for the post "Jabber, when I hate it". My li'l sis raised a doubt- whether I was fine after reading that. The very next time I read it I was taken aback at the different ways in which that post could be read! What a danger. There was a even a reference which applied generally to girls ( which I noticed only the second time, because it was a comment on the person about whom the post was written), which sounded even chauvinistic and I take back all of that.
1. Counsellors ought to be more responsible.
2. You can't just put up a general statement without affecting people, even if unintended.
3. If you still say stuff like that, man, you ought to get a better grip of your life.

I apologise for the negative statement about women on the post and take it back. Kindly excuse me.

And thanks to li'l sis for making me think! Expecting the same in the future.

By the way, the person, whom the post was about, doesn't even know that this blog exists.

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