Monday, August 13, 2007



Welcome folks. The librarian, perhaps, led you here.
Its alright. The librarian led me here, too.

Congratulating the Praxis team for bringing out yet another edition of tireless effort in printed form. Keep the spirit up. Never give in.

If it's not power, then use print, or just words. And no one can stop us. (Guess I borrowed the last line from a movie)

If you want to read more on stuff like the "Librarian of the library of liberty", just press the label under this post and you will see the magazine which was never published on paper.


If you can't shut up, just don't.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


What we performed as a class when we submitted the assignment on theatre: "Black out"
Themes: the pressure felt by students, and alcohol induced abuse in families.
Borrowed Idea and rhythm from the song "this is why I'm hot" by MIMS

This is Why I Blackout
This is Why I Blackout
This is Why I Blackout
This is why, This is why,
This is Why I Blackout

I Blackout 'coz i'm tired
You don't 'coz you're not
This is why, This is why,
This is Why I Blackout

I blackout inmy class
I blackout right at home
I blackout 'coz I'm always strictly
Following the norms
I'mnot black but I'm out
And I really wanna shout
This is why, This is why,
This is Why I Blackout

A quarter and some wine]
Makes me perfectly fine
My image is restored
And I don't care who is cryin'
My family drives me crazy
When I sit down to dine
This is why, This is why,
This is Why I Blackout

(This is why I blackout....)
Surpisingly and coincidentally, the producers of this song is called 'The Blackout movement"!