Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Found a reader

Yes, Google reader is too cool. I used to use My Yahoo, but Google REader is much less cluttered and organises all your feeds properly! You can so so many things with it.
ANother thing it has taught me is to focus on something that you're reading. When it's in your news aggregator like Google Reader, you can focus on what you want to read as you have subscribed to them based on what was interesting to you.

I'm telling you, hadh I had unlimited net connection at home, I would end up in rehab for sure, since I theink there is so many things to do on the net! So many... I'll mkake a list and post it up.
Another idea I have had off late (thanks to Problogger) is to have some focus on the blog you're writig. As of now, it's just too many things here. I'm planning to start one more blog. Sounds exciting to me.

Monday, November 03, 2008

sharing boredom.

boredom comes with great food.
And the food is good still boredom's great
Trekking is fun, but still boredom continues.
So we plan more treks which never happen or get delayed
A morning run was planned, but I overslept.
So He missed his tea and the host is lazy.
It doesn't matter because he spent time in the bathroom reading.
But the grandpa's feeling uneasy coz the trip to the bathroom wasn't worthwhile.
Aww!!Poor him. Hope it works out the next time.
It's time for some biscuits, let me fetch from the tin.
Mmm. the taste of cookies!!never fails you.
Now what?
And, boredom continues...

Special Guest:Uduman