Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Two becoming one

"I don't love him. You must think it's funny and want to slap me."
The little girl at the door-step of marriage said.
She once loved him deeply. She was convinced.
Today, I am sure she loves him. But, questions remain.
A new actor appeared on stage. His role wasn't in the script which was written many years ago. But he played his part, a major part, and left. It was devastatnig when he did that though. An unscripted character leaving a delible mark.
The show must go on. "Should it?", she asked me. It was a tough situation.
I said it must. Not because that's what everyone at this point would do.
Because she loved him, deeply. He loves her, beyond words. She loves him, I know.
But she's a little shocked. Life can't be this way. You shouldn't have to chose this much. Losing track of what's happening around.
A hand squeeze. Think about it, pray about it. I'll always be around if you need to talk to someone.
I never condemned her. Somehow. She has a special place.

"Things are better. I feel comfortable around him. he understood when I spoke to him and he said he'll give me time. "
He's a gentleman. And he deserves a great girl like her. Given the many years of them having been together, it is no surprise that they should reach the page where the wedding bells sound. And that's what happened. As always, he took extra care to make it an unforgettable wedding for the both of them.
I am sure, it will be a happily ever after, with a few fights in between like everyone.
For, "The wind plays the music; for the song of their oneness, God wrote the lyrics."

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