Thursday, December 13, 2007

letting the candle shine

Letting the candle shine
( date: 2 weeks ago)
My sister called me. She sounded very angry and frustrated. I had never heard so angry before, so I wondered what could have caused this possible outburst. It was something that had happened during the day which caused her to "burst her top" like this. I did not ask her to calm down but let her narrate everything.
The story was nothing simple, though it would have warranted stern request to calm down from her closest friends. On the face of it, the story could e simply thrown off as frustration and venting out. But there was something much deeper too it. Really deep. Through t all, I could see my reflection in it floating through the story. An image which gave me difficulty in deciding whether it belonged to her or me. It was an image with both minds fused together. The same thought, the same philosophy, the same pain in seeing that nobody wanted to make difference when the power lay in their hands, the same ache and guilt of having power but being unable to take a positive step with it… Was it I or her in the image? Was it her story or mine?
Is there a realm where minds are collective? Are there sub realms where some minds are grouped together?
It was not a story of giving up her power or authority, but one of trust and holding on to ones principles, no matter whatever it took. She could not embrace something that went against her conviction. She stood for it. She knew the responsibility given to her. She knows. She works hard. She's in the thick of things. But after having done her responsibilities, her opinion was overridden. No, this is not ego. She has accommodated it many times. But this time it is crucial. I don't think anyone in the office knows the job better than her, solely because she's at the helm of things and makes sure everything happens smoothly. So she knows everyone, deals with every one. People on top needn't know everyone. So she's given the job. I don't know why the top brass does not come out of the cocoon. My be it's security and an unwillingness to take a risk. 'Better to use the tried and tested'.
 True. Fine. But they are in the groups. Just that another person is given an opportunity to be tried and tested today.
She argued, fought and was respected for her arguments. No girl stood before the Top and argued and went away to come back. But Top knows her and has seen her and probably knows that in quite a long time, it is going to be difficult to get somebody as efficient and dedicated to the job as her. But he could be scared. He could be worried. But that does not let her compromise her principles. She stands for them. Even when she thinks she's alone. She's strong and she's grown stronger in the past year.
I don't know if she knows, but it's amazing how I see myself in her many times. And I love her. Not because I see myself in her, but because she is a woman of substance. There is hardly any of her kind when I pass through life's roads. And I respect her for that, love her for that. Stand strong, lady. As long as I can, I'll be around. God bless you, my sister.

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