Wednesday, August 08, 2007


What we performed as a class when we submitted the assignment on theatre: "Black out"
Themes: the pressure felt by students, and alcohol induced abuse in families.
Borrowed Idea and rhythm from the song "this is why I'm hot" by MIMS

This is Why I Blackout
This is Why I Blackout
This is Why I Blackout
This is why, This is why,
This is Why I Blackout

I Blackout 'coz i'm tired
You don't 'coz you're not
This is why, This is why,
This is Why I Blackout

I blackout inmy class
I blackout right at home
I blackout 'coz I'm always strictly
Following the norms
I'mnot black but I'm out
And I really wanna shout
This is why, This is why,
This is Why I Blackout

A quarter and some wine]
Makes me perfectly fine
My image is restored
And I don't care who is cryin'
My family drives me crazy
When I sit down to dine
This is why, This is why,
This is Why I Blackout

(This is why I blackout....)
Surpisingly and coincidentally, the producers of this song is called 'The Blackout movement"!

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