Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Pasta and White sauce

The other day, my friend from class offered me a bit if Pasta which she proudly said she had made. It was covered in White sauce, which she had, again, made herself (I asked her that because I was curious). It was simply delicious and I really loved it. Knowing that she is a very nice girl, I asked her to make some for me and bring it one day for lunch. She sweetly agreed. But a thought struck me. I was very impressed at her cooking skills. She's my age and already knows how to make stuff like this. "Where am I?", I thought to myself. Do I know to make anything like that? Where did she learn it from? Some days back I could hear a couple of girls in my class express how they loved baking cakes. I just don't know what proportion of sugar and butter to use, how much baking powder, what the heat should be, etc. When did they learn all this?

I am certainly not jealous. I truly appreciate stuff like this, even if the cooking went a bit bad. Just the fact that they were able to make something makes me happy too.

Just that... when will I ever learn all this? Simple things like baking a cake, stiching buttons on my own shirt, making some white sauce, being really good at something...?
It is kind of agonising when you realise time is flying past and that it is a short life and if you didn't have time till now, perhaps you never will.

In the meanwhile, I shall look forward to eating some more of Pasta and white sauce which she will bring me for lunch.


Istar Rómestámo said...

Even i know to cook...
Taste my Pasta...
ask Fenny, Navdha, etc...
They'll know...
Learn to cook ya Bleddy!
I thought you already did!

Purpledays said...

before you wallow in self pity, sit with all your bakers and pasta makers once... ask them if they know how to play the bas guitar, ask them if they can single handedly manage an acoustic band, ask them if they can listen to a song twice and give each musician in the band their respective scores and if they are still groping play it out for them on any instrument made on earth... where did you learn all this??? baking cakes is not all... though if you wish to, one sunday do so, so you feel... yeah man... now this feels good.

Y knot said...

I must confess that I was very pessimistic at that moment.Now feel like Hanuman who didn't know, about his strength.