Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Journalism class script - 1

This post is dedicated to Mr. Naresh Rao, JPEng students' ever favourite teacher.

Some of his quips and quotes and a couple of incidents, from our class in June 2006.

  • Journalism class- One Morning:"Uh....So who can tell me a definition of NEWS? You know what a definition is , right?" (And we go: Sir we're 21, 22 and this is college)And then he goes again... "I mean when I say a definition, it should be one, told by somebody or something like that. Don't just make it up sitting there.."

  • Sir calls out the rolls. Suddenly a huge THUD noise is heard wihich signified someone almost broke his back at the whack of another student. All laugh when they find out it was Ms.Jols' Thunderous whack on Bar's back. Hearing the commotion that followed, he stops the roll call and goes: " I don't know whether he deserved it but... lets try to keep such activities outside the class...0k? ...ya".

  • Yet another day. High volume talking in the class during roll call- "Uh... you should learn to curb your natural instincts for communication with each other during the class...especially the ones that involve a lot of noise..."

  • Another roll call story. People busy talking as usual. Some forget to answer their numbers and Sir continues. Realising what she had done a girl calls out, "Sir!Sir! Number 23 Sir! ". Visibly a bit irritated, he says, " Uh... You need to react....".
    Usually his power point presentations end with an out of topic line which goes either "All the best", "Thank you", or if its exam time, "Wish you all good luck" or something relevant to the times , accompanied by a "...ya". IT was very funny one day whenhis PPT on the News Paper Organisation ended with something else. As he clicked the slide quickly to the last one, it flashed for a moment before closing , reading " Made any sense??!"

  • Bunny, had just got back from his internship as an Asst. Director for a movie. He talked to the class on Sir's instructions and shared his experiences: How he was able to get to that post through an Uncle who was a film producer, how he was respected there, interactions with Nandita Das, film techniques, etc. After he finished, Sir, took the stage and said, " I think what we need to learn out of this.... ", (everyone waited for the valuable lesson we had to learn from Funny's talk) " that we should all go back home...go back home and search your family tree..." (July 1)

More to come...

The People who got paid for making me, me.

Some teachers teach. Some teachers just give a speech. And the real teachers reach your heart and stay there forever.
And as you reach college, there are hardly few of them who can reach. Some who did( in college):

1. Mr.Patrick
He knew it. He taught it. He played, so did we. He couldn't keep respect away from him. He talked to a student like a student. To a teacher like a man and to a Principal , like a friend. Hats off, Sir!

2. Mr. NR
You know him and I needn't tell. He knew exactly what he talked. Never talked more than that was needed. Has the wit to find humour in the place you thought you couldn't find it. Moreover, wherever he goes, an aura of respect surrounds him. Respect, for which he never asked, but always got, unfailingly. Salute!

They're all Real flesh and Blood. Hard to believe.